2D to 3D conversion

We offer a service where existing 2D Drawings in paper or in 2D CAD forms are re-created in to a 3D CAD form. We can convert individual drawings or projects or provide you with a quotation to convert your complete library of parts. You might of been working with 2D CAD for a number of years but now your customers would like to see a 3D Image of their product, or you might of just upgraded to a 3D CAD system but do not have the time to convert you parts library to suit your CAD package. There can be several reasons for this demand such as:
  • Updating existing stock drawings into a modern 3D format.
  • Create a 3D Model file to be imported into a modern CNC machine.
  • Visualisation / Animation.
  • Simple sketches by non-engineers can be turned into complex parametric models.
  • Automatic BOM information (parametric model).
  • Get data such as volume, surface area, mass, and center of gravity at the click of a button.
  • Perform FEA (Finite Element Analysis) and other testing.
  • Find problem areas and interferences in your designs.
  • Models can be photo realistically rendered for product literature, business proposals etc.
  • There can be several reasons for this demand such as:

  • 2D DXF or DWG files.
  • Paper drawings / Scanned copies.
  • What do we deliver?

    This depends very much on your requirement and the reason for this conversion process. We would usually provide:
  • Native CAD files.
  • 3D CAD Models in STEP/IGES formats.
  • New Drawings in PDF or DWG/DXF format.